04.03.2021 — 07.03.2021
FIAC Online Viewing Rooms
Gérard Fromanger, Yang Jiechang, Evi Keller, Mark Tobey, Fabienne Verdier, Maria Helena Vieira da Silva, Paul Wallach, Zarina
Oil on canvas
76,7 × 51,2 in
Ink on paper mounted on canvas
61,02 × 96,46 in
Photograph by Jean-Louis Losi
Mixed media
76,3 × 25,6 × 4 in (plinth : 43,3 × 25,6 × 4 in)
Gouache on paper
20,9 × 18,5 in
Photograph by Jean-Louis Losi
Gouache on canvas
15,8 × 18,5 in
Photograph by Jean-Louis Losi
Wood, string, paint
H. 27,3 × 18 × 0,8 in
Photograph by Georges Poncet
Wood, canvas, painting, cloth
H. 8,6 × 12,5 × 9,8 in
Photograph by Georges Poncet
22-karat gold leaf mounted on Arches Cover buff paper
30 × 21,9 in
Photograph by Jean-Louis Losi
Powered by Artlogic – the industry leader in digital technology for the art world – this new online platform will host some 200 galleries, both emerging and established, in the fields of contemporary art, modern art and design.