17.03.2016 — 26.06.2016
Le contemporain dessiné
Hors les Murs − Drawing Now Paris
Yang Jiechang, Evi Keller, Rui Moreira, Hanns Schimansky, Zarina
Les Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France
Hors les murs
An Arts décoratifs course
Curator: Agnès Callu
Result of a selection carried out in close collaboration with the – young and “historical” – art galleries to be featured in the tenth edition of Drawing Now Paris, this exhibition, covering the spaces dedicated to post-1940 collections of the Museum of the Arts décoratifs, questions a contemporary drawing on the brink of the beautiful and the useful. An abstract of different generations of artists at work, the exhibition, built on the identity of the graphic gesture, questions the legacy and influence of the ornamental repertoire of the home, the city and the body on a contemporary creation whose interdisciplinarity mixes the codes of Art, Design and Industry.
The gallery presents works by Zarina, Evi Keller, Rui Moreira, Hanns Schimansky and Yang Jiechang. Some of these artists have on-going major exhibitions: Zarina participates in the show “Archéologie du présent” at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Saint-Étienne, Evi Keller presents her audiovisual installation at the Central for contemporary art in Brussels in the group show “CONNECTED” and Yang Jiechang was invited by Jean-Hubert Martin for the exhibition “Carambolages” au Grand Palais. Monumental works by Evi Keller, Fabienne Verdier and Yang Jiechang currently feature in the exhibition “About Painting – From the 40s until today” in our Marais Space until April 16.
The gallery participates at the fair Drawing Now Paris with a selection of seminal works by Michael Biberstein, Miguel Branco (artist in focus), Zarina, Rui Moreira, Hanns Schimansky, Fabienne Verdier and Yang Jiechang (booth B14).
Les Arts Décoratifs
107-111, rue de Rivoli
75 001 Paris − France
T +33 (0)1 44 55 57 50
opening hours
From Tuesday to Sunday
From 11am to 6pm
Late night opening on Thurdays until 9pm
« Jean Dubuffet / Evi Keller,
la matière au-delà du visible »
With the artist, with Agnès Callu,
curator of the exhibition and
Véronique Jaeger, general director
of the gallery Jeanne Bucher Jaeger
Thursday June 16, 2016
from 6:30 to 8 pm