19.05.2018 — 01.11.2018
Tissage, Tressage… quand la sculpture défile
Antonella Zazzera
Fondation Villa Datris, L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, France
Hors les murs
For its 8th exhibition, the Fondation Villa Datris has choosen to explore the different modes of expression of contemporary sculpture through textile art, weaving and braiding.
The Italian artist Antonella Zazzera graduated from the Fine Arts Academy of Perugia, Italy. A training in Classical Art led her to study the way light changes 3-dimensional forms. She further developed a strong interest for sculpture, working with copper wire, which gave her infinite possibilities to play with form, color and texture. In her sculpture work, Antonella explores the power of sign and trace.
Fondation Villa Datris
7, avenue des Quatre Otages
84800 L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue — France
T +33 4 90 95 28 70