13.02.2014 — 29.03.2014

Yamamoto Wakako – François Stahly, Dialogue

François Stahly, Yamamoto Wakako

St Germain Space

Yamamoto Wakako – paintings
Works from 1980 to 2013

In her quest for foresight through color, Yamamoto Wakako expresses the energy of Nature she experienced in contact with the elements – volcanoes, waterfalls, typhoons, and earthquakes – with the power of luminous sonorities and translates the elation of a trajectory or a lightning intrusion in the celestial concert. Her meditative painting reflects her quest for an homology between the cosmic rhythms and her own feeling.

François Stahly – sculptures
Works from 1945 to 1980

François Stahly’s sculptures moves between small dimensions pieces and monumental works displayed in public urban sites. Regardless of their format, his creations are influenced by esoteric tendencies. He met Arp and Brancusi, worked on wood with passion, and, as Pierre Cabanne recalls, he drew his inspiration from the sensuality of the vegetal world.

practical informations

St Germain Space

By appointment
53 rue de Seine
75 006 Paris – France
T +33 1 42 72 60 42
F +33 1 42 72 60 49