The young Japanese artist was exhibited numerous times between 1984 and 1998. Her process, soaked with Shintoism, and her mystical temperament, coupled with a great lyrical and explosive power, result in works radiating with the energy of nature, the power of volcanoes, waterfalls, typhoons, and earthquakes.


exhibitions at the gallery

Le Féminin Demeure
October 19 to December 2nd, 2018

Yamamoto Wakako, paintings –
François Stahly, sculptures

February 13 to March 29, 2014

Matter and Memory. The Patriarch’s Realm.
November 19, 2013 to January 25, 2014

La tentation de l’Orient
December 7, 2006 to January 27, 2007

Paysage, Vue de l’esprit
October 31, 2002 to January 11, 2003

Wakako, Ceccarelli
October 1998

À l’aguet de l’étrange, pulsions
December 11, 1997 to January 10, 1998

Pour un jubilé 1947-1997
FIAC 1997 − September 30 to October 6, 1997
and at the gallery − October 7 to December 6, 1997

Énergie et conviction, œuvres des années 1979 à 1996
April 25 to June 1er, 1996

Peintures récentes à l’huile sur toile et à l’acrylique sur papier
May 29 to June 30, 1990

En quête de clairvoyance
January 14 to February 29, 1988

Sculpture en marbre de Philippe
et Peintures acryliques de Wakako

February 29 to March 31, 1984