Evi Keller
Cérémonie de clôture de l’Année de la Lumière
Hôtel de Ville, Paris, France
In 2015, the gallery was associated to the program of the Year of Light in France with Evi Keller’s solo exhibition entitled “Matière-Lumière” (Light-Matter). On February 23, the City of Hall of Paris will host the closing ceremony of the Year of Light and Evi Keller’s ausiovisual work Matière-Lumière [Towards the Light – silent transformations] will be presented after a lecture given by Hubert Reeves: “Redonner le ciel aux gens” (Giving back the sky to the people).
Salons of Paris City Hall
Place de l’Hôtel de Ville
75 004 Paris − France
T +33 (0)1 42 76 40 40
1:30pm − 6pm
Lectures in the Salle des fêtes
6pm − 9pm
Cocktail in the Salon des Arcades
6pm − 9pm
Exhibition in the Salon Georges Bertrand