18.06.2015 — 04.10.2015
The Silence of Animals
Solo exhibition
Miguel Branco
Schloss Ambras, Innsbruck, Austria
Hors les murs
The Castle of Ambras presents an exhibition entitled “Die Menagerie des Fürsten” (The Menagerie of the Prince). The show features diverse representation of exotic animals. Paintings, drawings, etchings, objects from Curiosity Cabinets… All of them tell incredible stories about the world of animals and their importance in the Renaissance.
Accompanying this exhibition, the Castle of Ambras presents a solo show of Miguel Branco’s works that echoes this world of animals. Entitled “The Silence of Animals”, the exhibition bridges the present with the past: the contemporary Portuguese artist Miguel Branco, interacting with Renaissance Curiosity Cabinets, presents here fascinating new interpretations of 16th-century depictions of animals.
Schloss Ambras
Schlossstraße 20
6020 Innsbruck − Austria
T +43 1 525 24-4802
opening hours
from 10 am to 5 pm