Étienne Hajdu had is first exhibition in a gallery on the boulevard du Montparnasse in the spring of 1939, alongside his close friends Vieira da Silva and Árpád Szenes. The sculptor met Jeanne Bucher in March 1946 before Jean-François Jaeger defended his work from 1953 to 1959.


exhibitions at the gallery

Dessins de Sculpteurs
March 23 to May 19 2018

Le Corps et son double
October 11 to November 24, 2007

Presentation Étienne Hajdu’s monograph
by Ionel Jianou

June 12, 1972

November 9 to December 12, 1961

Hommage à Jeanne Bucher
May 6 to November 30, 1960

December 12, 1958 to January 10, 1959

Recent sculptures
Winter 1957

June 8 to 30, 1956

Group exhibition
June 16 to 30, 1953

April 17 to May 9, 1953

Group exhibition
January 15 to 31, 1950

Recent sculptures by Etienne Hajdu
May 6 to 27, 1948

March 5 to 30, 1946

• Árpád Szenes/Vieira da Silva: Paintings /
Sculptures by Hajdu

May 19 to 31, 1939