19.05.2018 — 02.09.2024
Down to the Ground
Krauthügel Art Project
Paul Wallach
Salzburg Foundation, Austria
Hors les murs
Photograph by Georges Poncet
Photograph by Georges Poncet
Photograph by Georges Poncet
Photograph by Georges Poncet
Photograph by Georges Poncet
Photograph by Georges Poncet
Photograph by Georges Poncet
Paul Wallach‘s monumental installation Down to the Ground was unveiled on May 19th 2018 in Salzburg. The artist has been working on this major site specific project for several years. The Kraüthugel-Salzburg Foundation invited him to create an artwork, after having invited in the precious years, such artists as Anselm Kiefer, Mario Merz, James Turrell, Anthony Cragg and Jaume Plensa… Paul Wallach’s creation is composed of large blocks of concrete placed on the ground in a geometrical form of 40 by 45 meters. The visitors can stroll through or sit on the blocks as they wish. The entire star-like shape of the installation can be contemplated from the hights of the Hohensalzburg Fortress, largest fortified castle preserved in Central Europe. Today, the temporary presentation of Paul Wallach’s site specific sculpture work has been extended and negociations are currently ongoing to maintain Down to the Ground permanently in the city of Salzburg.
Salzburg Foundation
Mozartplatz 4
A-5020 Salzburg — Austria
T +43 662 87 16 87